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How to Get the Most out of Hypezone on Mixer

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Yesterday, I spent three hours in the Fortnite HypeZone jumping from streamer to streamer and taking notes on what I saw (and did not see). For the most part, everyone seemed to react in the same “cookie-cutter” way following the same formula. While people acknowledged HypeZeone and welcome them to their channel, most did little else to capture our attention.

What is Mixer’s HypeZone?

HypeZone is a channel on Mixer. When you join it, you will jump from stream to stream watching one of five different games. You watch the end game content on each game. For instance, if you are in the Fortnite HypeZone, you will watch one of the remaining players in a round. When they die or win, you will be ported to a new channel that is in the final stages of the game. 

Currently, there are 5 games with a HypeZone on Mixer. These are Battlegrounds, Fortnite Battle Royale, Rainbow 6 Siege, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and Apex Legends. 

It is Difficult to Pull People From HypeZone

A lot of streamers will tell you that it is difficult to pull people from HypeZone and into your channel. While this is true, it doesn’t mean it is impossible. You just need to create a reason for them to return to your channel (either after your current session with it is over or later on). 

During the time I spent on HypeZone, I was impressed by four people, who went above and beyond what the others were doing as far as entertainment goes. As I spent three hours in the zone, that averages out to one every 45 minutes. 

Hypezone header

You Can Stand Out on HypeZone

The good news is, that because everyone else is doing the same thing, it is actually quite easy to stand out. If you are a good enough player to get on HypeZone every once in a while, you should create a plan to make the most of that time. 

The few minutes you have on HypeZone may be the only few minutes you have to potentially hook any of those viewers to return to your channel. The fact that people are on HypeZone is that they enjoy watching the end-game content and want to see good skill. If you have that skill and an additional form of entertainment value, a few may return to your stream at a later date. 

As I stated earlier, I watched HypeZone for 3 hours in one sitting and 4 people stood out. Even people who are “mindlessly watching” the channel will take notice when someone seems to go the extra mile.  

How to Stand Out on HypeZone

Here are a few of my suggestions on what you can do to stand out on HypeZone and potentially hook a few people to return to your channel at a later date. 

Have a Plan 

Create a plan on how you will handle HypeZone before it visits your channel. Don’t just hope that you will be able to “wing it.” You need to keep your cool and a lot of your focus on the game to keep them in the channel. If you have a plan, you may be able to execute it, but it will be difficult to think one up on the fly. 

Think of a story or a joke you can tell that will help break the ice. Tell them about your day or what you usually stream. If you have planned good content in an advance you can continue to play the game well while also engaging with your new viewers. 

Thank them for being there and invite them back anytime. Continually talk to them and make sure you have a good mic. 

gamer man

Use a Webcam and Great Graphics

Very few of the streamers I encountered on HypeZone used a webcam. Even fewer used one with good lighting or any graphics. If you can, purchase an overlay to go over your webcam (or use your phone if you are using a PC). 

Adding fun stream alerts or other extensions are a good way to show that you are serious about your stream and you will stand out from those who haven’t done it. 

If you frequently have glitches in the game or while you stream, consider upgrading your internet plan to keep everything smooth. 

Mention an Upcoming Giveaway Stream

Consider hosting a giveaway stream. In the week or two before you go live, mention it (and the day you plan to host it) every time you find yourself on HypeZone. While “giveaways” aren’t always the best way to grow your followers either, having that extra incentive may keep you in their thoughts and some may tune in again. 

If you have great content planned for your giveaway, some of those that you hooked may follow you long term. 

Invite Them to Join Your Discord Server/Socials

Invite the viewers to join your Discord or your social accounts. Give them a reason why you should join. Tell them what you and your community does. If they can see value in joining your community, they are more likely to step out of HypeZone and into your channel.


While nothing can guarantee that people will leave HypeZone for your channel, if you make the extra effort, you will stand out. There are many other ways you can create better content on stream. Read our post, 10 Ways to Improve Your Stream’s Content.

About the Author


Chris is a marketing major with a strong background in small business and influencer branding. He applies his knowledge of content and promotional strategies to design actionable advice for new and intermediate streamers. When he’s not busy crunching analytics, he can be found in the salt pits of League of Legends.

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