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How to Squad Stream on Twitch

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Going live with other streamers is a great way to help each other build communities and it gives you an easier way of creating content. Squad streaming is Twitch’s in-built way where viewers can watch multiple streamers at once, allowing them to see a game from multiple angles from a single screen. 

How to Host a Squad Stream on Twitch

Squad streaming is currently limited to Twitch partners. If all members of the potential squad are Twitch streamers, here is how you can set it up:

  1. Step 1

    Click on your avatar in the upper right-hand side of the screen and go to “Creator Dashboard.”

  2. Step 2

    Find “Squad Steam” in the dashboard menu. 

  3. Step 3

    Invite other partners to your squad. 

  4. Step 4

    Once others have joined, you will be able to launch the squad stream. 

As the squad leader, you will be able to kick other members if needed. If you end your stream before the other streamers, the first person who joined your squad will become the new leader.

How Many Streamers Can Squad Stream at a Time?

squad streaming show
SkyrrozeTV and Berdydaft played CoD together using the Squad Streaming feature.

You can squad stream with up to 3 other streamers at the same time (4 total). Squad streaming can help each of the content creators gain more exposure within each other’s communities and with people who specifically want to watch squad streamers.

When Squad streaming, viewers will be able to see all participating broadcasters on the same window, allowing them to view several different angles of gameplay at the same time. 

Squad Stream Monetization

Twitch viewers will have the option of choosing one of the streamers as the one that will be featured in their main viewing window. If the viewer donates Bits or subscribes to the channel, the support will go to their chosen streamer (based on which is in the main window). 

Ad revenue will be given out according to whichever streamer each viewer has in their main viewing window. Ads will only be played on those. 

Alternatives to Squad Streaming for Affiliates

Currently, squad streaming is only available to Twitch partners, but affiliates can still group together, create group streams, then ask their viewers to watch from third-party software that will let them watch all the streamers at the same time. There are several platforms that will allow viewers to set up the streamers they want to watch, such as MultiTwitch.

How to Watch Twitch Squad Mode

Whether you want to watch your favorite streamer broadcast with their friends in squad mode or you want to watch anyone from the squad stream category, this is how you can set up and use the feature:

  1. Step 1

    Go to the channel of one of the streamers participating in the squad event.

  2. Step 2

    squad stream title

    Click the “Watch in Squad Mode” button that is listed under their “Follow” and “Subscribe” buttons.

  3. Step 3

    The streamer whose channel you came from will be shown on top, all other channels will be shown beneath the channel. 

  4. Step 4

    squad stream members 1

    To toggle between streamers click their avatar on the top left-hand side of the screen. 

Note: if you sub, use your Prime Gaming, or donate bits while in stream mode, your donations will go to them.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • chat

    What is a Squad Stream?

    A squad Stream is a Twitch feature that allows up to four content creators to stream at the same time. One streamer will start the squad and invite others to join them. Each streamer’s viewers will be able to see the action of all four streamers within the same Twitch window.  Squad streaming is a strong networking tool for streamers who want to work or play together.

  • caution

    Can Twitch Affiliates Squad Stream?

    Affiliates currently cannot squad stream on Twitch due to the limited server availability allotted for it. The platform hopes to be able to open up the feature to affiliates in the future, but hasn’t set an estimated date for the change. 

  • mic

    Can Streamers Communicate to Each Other While Squad Streaming?

    There are no voice or video capabilities to allow streamers to communicate with each other while squad streaming. They will need to use a third-party chat platform such as Discord to meet their needs. 

  • laptop

    What Happens When a Stream Ends While Squad Streaming?

    If a streamer ends their stream, all viewers who had them as their primary video feed within squad view will still remain in squad view. In the event that one of the streamers chooses to play a different game or goes idle while still live, the squad leader can choose to remove them from the feed. 

  • wallet

    Can You Follow All Twitch Squad Members At Once?

    Viewers can’t follow, subscribe, or donate to all Squad Stream members at once. If a viewer wants to support each streamer, they will need to help each one individually.

About the Author


Luci is a novelist, freelance writer, and active blogger. A journalist at heart, she loves nothing more than interviewing the outliers of the gaming community who are blazing a trail with entertaining original content. When she’s not penning an article, coffee in hand, she can be found gearing her shieldmaiden or playing with her son at the beach.

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