There is a lot of confusion about Twitch taxes (or streaming taxes, as it doesn’t matter which platform you use). Some say that nothing needs to be paid, others say that there is no way to deduct anything. When the StreamScheme Team decided to investigate, we didn’t get very far. So, we outsourced this article to an accountant, who happily wrote it for us.
While we have done our best to accurately give you the information you need to know about your Twitch taxes, please note that nobody on our team is a tax professional. The article was outsourced, but our team cannot help you file your Twitch taxes. If you need help, we recommend contacting an accountant in your area to conduct a tax interview.
This information is relevant for streamers operating in the United States in 2022, covering the tax year of 2021.
How to Pay Your Twitch Taxes
In our experience, the easiest way to pay your Twitch taxes is with a service like Keeper Tax. The Keeper Tax app allows you to input the information from your 1099 to directly scan your bank and credit card statements for deductibles. The app will also help you track your expenses throughout the year to ensure that all your write-offs are accounted for at the end of the year.
The average Keeper Tax user saves $6,076 per year by using the app to track their purchases. You can automatically connect it to your financial accounts so that it can ask you if certain expenses were for business. You can directly file through them at the end of the year to expedite the process. The best news is that they offer a 14-day free trial so that you can see how it works for yourself.
How to Determine Your Taxable Income
The IRS (Internal Revenue Service) provides a list of qualifications that may make a hobby actually a business. Here they are as follows:
- If you manage your channel in a business-like manner and keep track of your records and books, see streaming as a business, not a hobby.
- Putting time and energy into streaming in an attempt to make it profitable would classify it as a business.
- If you depend on the income of your stream to pay bills or live, you are running a business.
- In the event you have losses, if they are out of your control or normal for streaming, it is a business.
- Changing the way you stream or upgrading your features in the event to become more profitable classifies your work as a business.
The IRS will also take the following into account:
- Whether or not you made a profit in a similar endeavor in the past.
- How much profit you make year over year.
- The probability of you earning future money from streaming (and an estimate of how much).
If most of these statements leaned one way or the other on your mindset for streaming, you know where on the spectrum you lay and will be able to determine how you should pay your taxes.
Twitch Taxes for Hobby Streamers
Any money made from hobby activities is taxable and should be filed on the taxable earnings section of form 1040 (on line 21 labeled “other taxable earnings.”) If you made more than $600, Twitch should send you a 1099.
In 2018, the ability to itemize expenses for hobby-related activities was suspended, allowing no deductions allowed for hobby income.
Hobby income does not have any self-employment taxes and is only subject to income tax.
Federal Taxes for Career Streamers
A career streamer would be responsible to pay Self-employment tax and income tax. Self-employment tax is a set 15.3%. The way the IRS sees it, the money gets sent to the “business” that the streamer essentially works for (even though it is typically themselves).
When the “business” pays the streamer they have to pay both the employer and employee Social security and Medicare taxes. Social security is 6.2% each, and medicare is 1.45% each. Totaled it is 12.4% for social security and 2.9% for Medicare tax. Self–employment tax is on net earnings (revenues – relevant expenses.)
Income tax would be based on any money that the streamer made during the year, less any applicable deductions and expenses.
Income tax is not based on a set percentage of income like self-employment tax is. Instead, income tax is based on the amount of income that a person makes. This is done off of a table.
How Does Federal Tax for Streamers Work?
Two notes of importance. Firstly, all of your deductions and such come out of your total earnings before you can determine the taxable earnings. You will fill out the Schedule SE to determine your taxable earnings. You will need Schedule C to fill it out.
Secondly, this is a stair-step method. Just because you may have taxable earnings of say $100,000 does not mean that your tax rate on all of it would be the 24% (if you’re filing as a single). The first $9,875 is still at 10%, the profits between $9875 and $40125 are taxed at 12%, and so on. The only amount taxed at 24% is any profit you receive over $85,526.
The income tax brackets change yearly, so don’t rely on this year’s numbers for next year. (I believe for inflation purposes). Here is the table you will use in 2022 to file your taxes for 2021:
2021 Federal Income Tax Table
The amount of tax you pay will be adjusted depending on how much you earn and how you file your taxes. To see the current income taxes, check out the following page on NerdWallet.
State Taxes for Career Streamers
Most states also have a similar income tax table. State taxes may be deducted from federal income taxes only if you are itemizing deductions.
What Deductions Can Career Streamers Claim?
If you are streaming to build a career, you might be able to deduct (at least a portion of) purchases and services. Here are typical claimed expenses that may work for tax deductions on your tax form:
Streaming Equipment
Most of the equipment used for streaming may be deductible. Any equipment that is used solely for the operation of the business is deductible. This may include cameras, microphones, computers, desks, or any other piece of equipment as long as it is only used for streaming activities.
Any upgrades to equipment may be deducted, but it is important to remember that if any equipment is sold, it must be reported as income. Additionally, there is a standard deduction or itemized deductions.
Internet and Program Use
The IRS does allow a partial deduction for expenses required for business operations that might be used for personal activities. A primary example of this is the internet.
As most streamers broadcast from home, the internet is generally used for non-streaming activities. For this reason, only a portion of the internet bill would be deductible. In this case, the content creator must estimate the percentage that the internet is used for streaming or personal purposes.
The percent used for streaming is deductible. This is the case with all the equipment or bills that may be present.
Rent/Mortgage Payments
Even a portion of a house payment or rent may be attributed to business expenses if a room is allocated specifically to the business of streaming or editing. That being said, the IRS takes these claims very seriously, and the room must be used only for streaming in order to count it as one of your tax deductions.
Commissioned Work
Any wages that may be paid to others in assisting the quality or editing of a stream may be deducted as well. (Remember to pay the relevant employer and employee taxes.) Additionally, any employer taxes may be deducted.
Charitable Donations
As of 2020, you can now claim up to $300 of donations without having to itemize them. You can claim all of your charity spending above that amount if you keep track of exactly how much you spent. This is perfect for channels that frequently run charity streams.
Employment and Income Taxes
Both employment and income taxes must be estimated and paid quarterly. It is best to err on the side of caution because the IRS tends to enjoy charging interest and fees, plus any excess may come back with the tax return.
While you will file your taxes by April 15, you need to make quarterly payments on a 1040-es. You only need to pay estimated taxes if you pay more than $1,000 in federal taxes per year.
What Forms are Involved in Twitch Taxes?
The following tax forms will be received or used in the process of paying Twitch taxes for your streaming income:
- 1099 – received from Twitch or another payer of royalties if you have made more than $600 from the platform. They will send the same figures to the IRS.
- 1040 – normal tax return statement
- 1040 SE – used to make estimated tax payments quarterly.
- Schedule SE – Self employment tax.
- Schedule C – profit or loss from business (has business expenses and income)
Twitch Tax Case Studies
Here are two case studies (for Federal taxes) that we have used as examples for you:
Taylor the Hobby Streamer
Taylor is a college student who plays CS:GO on the weekends. His friends have complimented his skill often and suggested he stream. He agreed. While he only started streaming for fun, a few fans have donated to his stream or have given him bits. In 2019, he made $1,235.
Twitch sent him a 1099 for the $630 he made through bits and subscriptions. Streamlabs sent his a 1099 for the donations made through them. Taylor is required to claim the taxes as part of his income and will do so on Form 1040.
Michelle the Career Streamer
Michelle is known for her deadpan humor while she plays retro games. She has been streaming for years and has managed to turn it into a sustainable career. In 2019, she earned $68,200.
She has done the math and has realized that she paid her editor $4,000 through the course of the year and had commissioned for $500, and replaced her Stream Deck for $250. She also split her expenses to account for her home business. Altogether, she has netted $19,750.
She subtracts the $19,750 from the $68,200 she received, equalling $48,450 (note: she may be able to take other deductions, including the standard deduction of $12,000, but for the sake of time, we will skip those). From that, she will need to pay the following in taxes:
For the first $9,875, she will need to pay 10% tax ($987.50). For the $30,250 (the difference between $9,875 and the next step, $40,125), she will need to pay 12% tax ($3,630). For the remaining $8,325, she will need to pay 22% tax ($1,831.50). This means she will pay a grand total of $6,449 in Federal taxes.
Accounting Tips for Twitch
As a one-person show, you will need to wear several hats. In addition to producing quality content, you need to manage your channel like a business.
From budgeting to taxes to pay people for services, there are several things you need to keep in mind. You must ensure that you have enough income to pay out your expenses, track where they are going, and be prepared for tax season.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you Pay Taxes on Twitch?
All streamers are supposed to pay taxes to their government for any earnings they earn while broadcasting on Twitch. The amount will vary depending on how much the streamer earned during the year minus their deductions.
Do You Have to Pay Taxes on Donations?
Yes, if you are making income from Twitch, it classifies as income in the eyes of the IRS. While you may qualify for some tax write-offs, you will still need to pay the self-employment tax rate.
Do Twitch Streamers Pay Tax?
Yes, if you earned any money from Twitch or any other platform, you are required to pay taxes on your earnings in the United States. This includes revenue from ads, donations/tips, sponsorships, and any other method of payment.
How Do Taxes Work on Twitch?
Each streamer is responsible to pay taxes according to their government’s regulations. Twitch should send you a 1099 if you are in the USA or a similar statement that you can use to file your taxes.
Is Twitch Considered Self-Employment?
As a streamer, you are considered self employed. You are responsible for building your community and accepting donations. You will need to pay Twitch taxes on your tips.
How Many Twitch Viewers Do You Need to Make a Living?
The number of viewers you will need to make a living on Twitch will vary depending on the streamer. Most broadcasters earn through donations and streaming sponsorships.
Does Twitch Report to IRS?
Twitch does report its expenses to the IRS and will let them know which of their streamers received what. You are responsible for filing your own taxes.
While paying taxes isn’t fun for any of us, it is important that you take the time to pay your tax bill. Whether you pay quarterly taxes or work our a different system with your accountant, taking time for tax preparation can save you a lot of hassle.
Jonathan earned his Masters of Professional Accountancy from Montana State University in 2018 and currently works as an accounting assistant in Northern Idaho.