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How to Become a Pro Hearthstone Player

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Hearthstone was released in 2014 and has been an inclusive game ever since. As the game relies heavily on strategy and less on fast reflexes, many people who would struggle to compete in other games have worked hard to climb the ranks and frequently compete in tournaments.

While the game isn’t set up like other professional esports, if you are interested in monetizing your love for it, you can grind your way to the top. At this point, it is a lot easier to win tournaments or get more viewers on Twitch.

What You Need to Go Pro

The most important aspect of becoming a pro-gamer is to have the right mindset. Here are some qualities that esports teams look for when recruiting new members:

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    A Good Deck

    Deck building is a skill of its own. You need to know which cards work well with each other and build a deck that plays well every time.

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    Card Knowledge

    You need to understand the cards in and out. How are they best played? When should they be played?

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    Game Knowledge

    You must have a full understanding of all aspects of the game so that you can play as strategically as possible.

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    Cool Head

    If you make an error, keep a cool head and stay focused. If you begin to tilt, you may make several other errors.

Steps to Become a Professional Hearthstone Player

Here are several ways that you can work toward becoming a pro Hearthstone player:

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    1. Hire a Professional Coach

    Whether you are struggling to get over a hump or you just want some help building your deck, hiring a professional Hearthstone coach can help tremendously. A good coach will watch your gameplay and give you actional advice on how to improve overall. 

    A good coach will point out any bad habits you’ve made, help you see the game from new angles, and work with you to help you meet your goals and win the game more often. Hiring a coach will typically help you improve faster, allowing you to take leaps in your growth and pass other players who are also working toward becoming professionals. 

    You can find good Hearthstone coaches at the following:

    • Gamer Sensei – their collection of coaches must meet a rigorous 5 step training program. 
    • Fiverr – find a freelance Hearthstone coach on Fiverr for an affordable price. 
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    2. Rank Up

    Stay focused on ranking up in your division. Give yourself milestones to reach and look for ways to improve your gaming skill in due time. Ranking up is a good way to network with other skilled players who will take you seriously. You may be able to ask questions back and forth between you on strategies you use when deckbuilding or playing.

    Watch pro streamers to look for different takes on how to play specific cards, and keep up to date with any new game patches. While being at the higher ranks isn’t a guarantee that you’ll turn the game into a career, it doesn’t hurt your chances.

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    3. Network with Other Players

    Being professional, kind, and humble when dealing with others in the industry will take you a long way. People will be more likely to introduce you to people who may help you get into more tournaments or make strong connections.

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    4. Join Tournaments 

    Joining tournaments is pivotal for being seen as a pro. Competing with others is a good way to see just how skilled you truly are and what you need to work on overall. Look for tournaments through your high school or university or see if you can start one.

    Alternatively, look for online tournaments that have a ranking system. Record your gameplay if you can so that you can go over the footage and see how you can improve in future games. When you are able, join tournaments that may let you be seen by professionals in the industry.

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    5. Develop Esport Athlete Habits

    There are many habits that professional esports players have had to learn. One of the best ways of becoming an athlete is to act like one. Here are a few things you will need to do:

    • Practice daily – most pro gamers practice their game on a daily basis. This will include practicing specific skills and general gameplay. 
    • Learn how to lose – raging after every loss will only waste energy and focus. If you become rattled, you won’t perform as well on your next match.
    • Watch pro streams and matches – one of the best ways to know how the pros operate is to watch them in practice. Look for streamers who talk through their actions so that you can learn their thought process. 
    • Learn everything you can about the game – this includes keeping up to date with balance changes, new content, and patch notes. Learn the best (and worst) strategies and how to maximize that information to its potential. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Hearthstone Hard to Learn?

Hearthstone has a big learning curve. It takes a lot of time and dedication to understanding each card’s potential and how it changes in relation to the rest of the deck. While there are many guides online, it is a very tricky game to learn.

How Much Do Pro Hearthstone Players Make?

The amount that pro Hearthstone players make will vary on how they monetize the game. When winning tournaments, players can earn up to $25,000. Many also build Twitch or YouTube channels to monetize their passion there.

About the Author


Luci is a novelist, freelance writer, and active blogger. A journalist at heart, she loves nothing more than interviewing the outliers of the gaming community who are blazing a trail with entertaining original content. When she’s not penning an article, coffee in hand, she can be found gearing her shieldmaiden or playing with her son at the beach.

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