CmonBruh Meaning
The CmonBruh emote is used as a look of confusion or as a response to racist comments. It is often used when someone in Twitch chat says something controversial or confusing.
Note: As with the TriHard emote, CmonBruh can be seen as racist if you don’t use it correctly.
Released: Unknown, first gained popularity in 2016
CmonBruh Emote Origin
It is widely believed that CmonBruh is a member of Twitch staff. It was first really noticed when a Twitter user posted that it was a racist emote.
The emote is most often used when someone does something confusing or if another user (or the streamer) is being racist. It could be a reaction to either the streamer or the chat being racist.
Click to see a full list of the most popular Twitch emotes.