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GayPride Meaning

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gaypride twitch global emote

GayPride Meaning

The GayPride Twitch emote is used to identify oneself as either a part of the LGBTQ+ community or in support of it. It is often used if someone in chat or on the stream comes out as being LGBTQ+.

Released: circa 2018

GayPride Emote Origin

The GayPride emote (and other Pride emotes) were made permanent in 2019. Related emotes include AsexualPride, BisexualPride, GenderFluidPride, IntersexPride, LesbianPride, NonBinaryPride, PansexualPride, TransgenderPride, and TwitchUnity.

2020 Pride Emotes

In 2020, Twitch released 25 emotes that were handed out in chat from June 15-July 15. When a viewer subscribed to a channel, purchased gift subs, or donated 300 bits or more, they would receive a pride emote and others would be randomly handed out to the chat.

Twitch donated a portion of these donations to The Trevor Project and the National Black Justice Coalition.

Here are the emotes that were handed out:

twitch pride emtoes 1

Click to see a full list of the most popular Twitch emotes.

About the Author


Chris is a marketing major with a strong background in small business and influencer branding. He applies his knowledge of content and promotional strategies to design actionable advice for new and intermediate streamers. When he’s not busy crunching analytics, he can be found in the salt pits of League of Legends.

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