MonkaH Emote Meaning
MonkaH is a BTTV emote that is based on the popular MonkaS emote. It is generally used when someone surrenders after an argument or sees that the streamer has been beaten when it comes to strategy.
The emote is very popular due to its similarity to the MonkaS emote, including the worried face and the profuse sweat.
Released: 2017
MonkaH Emote Origin
MonkaH, like other emotes beginning with Monka, is an emote that is part of the “Pepe emote” family. You can see and access it with the BTTV extension added to your Twitch account.
MonkaS, as en emote, was originally used on a 4chan thread in 2011. In 2016, someone uploaded it as an emote, but it wasn’t very popular until it was used on Forsen’s Reddit page in February 2017. Since then, many emotes have been created and used based on the character.
Click to see a full list of the most popular Twitch emotes.