gachiBASS Meaning
The gachiBASS emote is an animated emote that you can use if you have the BTTV extension added to your browser. Based on the gachiGASM emote, it is used when someone is very happy with something they have just witnessed on the stream.
This animated emote is a “headbanging” version of the original emote based on porn star Billy Herrington. It can be used as a meme reaction to attraction or suggestive content. Most of the time, Gachigasm is used to react to male streamers or viewers, whereas Kreygasm is used to react to women.
Released: After 2015
GachiBASS Emote Origin
The gachiBASS emote is based on the popular gachiGASM emote. It is an animated gif that has the head moving to a beat. You can read about the original emote’s origin on our gachiGASM emote page.
Click to see a full list of the most popular Twitch emotes.