This feature can even come in handy for getting in contact with people who aren’t currently on the same channel as you, or even those who are offline. Some people may refer to whispering as DMing (Direct Messaging) or PMing (Personal Messaging) and these terms can be used interchangeably with whispering.
This post will teach you how to whisper on Twitch, as well as how you can block private chat messages to your account.
How to Whisper Someone on Twitch on Your Desktop
There are a few different ways you can start a whisper conversation with another Twitch user on a desktop. The first method can be done through the channel chatbox.
Option 1: Type /w @username
Type /w @username followed by the message you want to send in the chat window in the stream chat of your choice, and it will whisper the person for you. It will start to autocomplete the names of people you have previously whispered in that session, allowing you to either click on the name to select it or ignore it and finish manually typing the name.
Option 2: Whisper Button
At the top right corner of your screen, there is a button for whispers to the left of your profile icon and the get bits button. Clicking this will bring up an inbox of all your previous whispers sent or received. You can use a search bar to find the Twitch user you want to whisper to. Alternatively, if you’ve whispered this person before you can use the scroll bar to find their name and click on it to open up a chat with that person. This will also bring up a history of whispers exchanged between you.
Option 3: Chat Name Button
The other way to whisper someone is to just click on their name in chat, which will bring up a quick summary of their profile and there will be a whisper button. Selecting that opens up a whisper chat box between you that will show your whisper history with them. Then you can just type your message and hit enter to send the whisper.
How to Message Someone on Twitch on Your Phone
To send private chat messages with someone using the Twitch mobile app, you will need to complete the following:
Option 1: Through Clicking Their Name
Whispering someone on the Twitch app works in much the same way as a desktop. If you wish to whisper to someone who is currently in the same channel as you, you can select their name which will bring up a number of options, then select whisper and it will bring up a chat box between the two of you with any message history if there is any. Here you can enter your private message into the box down the bottom and hit send when finished.
Option 2: Whisper Social Icon
The other way to private message on the Twitch mobile app is to select the whisper/social icon on the top right of your screen, just left of the search button. This will bring up your twitch friends and there will be a button to switch to the whispers tab. Selecting that will show all of your previous whispers to other people, and there will also be a “Start a whisper” button you can select. Either scroll to the person who you want to whisper if you’ve had an exchange with them before, or select start a whisper and type the username of the person you wish to message.
The above will work on both iOS and Android apps. The whisper feature will allow you to open private conversations with other users.
How to Check Twitch Whispers
To check your whispers select the whisper icon either on desktop or mobile and it will show you a history of all whispers that have been exchanged between you and other users.
How to Check Twitch Messages as a Mod
Twitch mods have access to moderator view in a channel, which gives them a customizable layout of the twitch overlay they can adjust to suit their needs best. This means that checking whispers is done differently than it is for other users.
By default, the whisper icon is now on the left side panel. For a mod to check their Twitch whispers, locate the whisper icon (left side panel unless they have customized their layout), select it and it will bring up their history of whispers.
How to Block Whispers on Twitch
It is important to know how to block someone from being able to contact you directly on Twitch, as sometimes people can harass you in your whispers as it takes them out of the public eye and mods are not able to handle the situation. To block someone you can:
Step 1
Select their name in channel chat so that it opens a little profile summary.
Step 2
Click on the 3 vertically stacked dots symbol to the right of the profile summary. This will bring up some extra settings.
Step 3
Select the block user button that is now visible, or in extreme circumstances, where required select the report user button and file a report to Twitch about the user.
Alternatively, if the user is not currently talking in the channel you are in you can follow these steps to block them:
Step 1
Open the whispers tab by selecting the icon at the top right corner of your screen.
Step 2
Search for, or scroll to older messages from the user you wish to block and select them.
Step 3
A chat window containing your chat history will open. Click on the settings cog in the top right of the chat history and this will reveal a blocked user and report user button. Select whichever is appropriate for your situation.
This works almost exactly the same on mobile but is a little more streamlined when selecting someone’s name in a channel chat you will instantly see the red block and report buttons you can select.
Can You Whisper a Streamer on Twitch?
You can whisper some streamers on Twitch. Many, however, will turn off the feature due to so many viewers messaging them. Make sure to respect any boundaries that they have set up for themselves.
We hope that this article on how to whisper on Twitch has helped you learn how to open a private chat window so that you can message other Twitch users.
Zac is a part-time tech blogger. He’s an avid gamer with a taste for old-school RPG’s and Indie Sandbox games. He excels at theory crafting and finding new ways to enjoy a well-loved game.