What is Golden Kappa?
The Golden Kappa is a fun easter egg added in by the Twitch Devs. It is a rare variation of the most popular Twitch emote (Kappa) but is gold instead of grayscale. For years, its existence was questioned and shrouded in mystery. Twitch neither confirmed nor denied that Golden Kappa is real, and would not divulge how or why it is obtained. It is most commonly written about on Reddit and other forums when it appears.
In October 2021, there was a Twitch data breach where a lot of information was leaked – including how Golden Kappa works. Ludwig was told that twenty Twitch employees were given access to the emote’s code and were able to assign it to random users at will. This probably explains why some people only had the Golden Kappa for a day or two while others have it for months.
Read more about the Twitch leak here.
This, however, seems to be incorrect (or at least partially incorrect). According to the code within Twitch, every user would have the opportunity to get Golden Kappa eventually.
How to Find Out When You’ll Get Golden Kappa
To find out when you’ll get Golden Kappa (based on information from the Twitch leak), complete the following:
Visit this Twitch Username to ID convertor to find your Twitch user ID. Type your username into the required spot, then click the orange convert button. You will need your ID for the second step.
Visit the Go Playground and input your number on line 10 (replace the number that is currently there).
Click the “Run” button at the top of the screen. After the algorithm runs, you’ll be able to see the dates you should have Golden Kappa at the bottom. If you have Twitch Turbo, there will be more dates available for you to receive it.
How to Get a Golden Kappa on Twitch After the Breach
It is assumed that Twitch will change its code and algorithm for Golden Kappa and a few other things that were released. So, instead of just waiting until your “selected date,” try out the following:
Step 1
To increase your chances of receiving the Golden Kappa use the /kappa emote at least once a day and switch the Twitch channel you are viewing regularly.
Step 2
Use the kappa emote often to check if you have the golden version as there is no notification when you receive it.
Popular Golden Kappa Conspiracies
- Only one person has Golden Kappa at a time and only holds it for 24 hours.
- It’s an anniversary gift that only appears each year on the day you made your Twitch account.
- Twitch staff started Golden Kappa as an April fools joke.
- You need Prime Gaming just to have a chance of getting it.
- Golden Kappa doesn’t exist and is just a figment of your own imagination.
Does Golden Kappa Still Exist?
Most recently, we were notified by many Twitter users on October 26, 2020, that the Golden Kappa was spotted. At first we were confused, but then it was revealed that we were all blessed with this gift, though it lasted only for a limited time. You can see our log of other sightings at the bottom of this post.
Here are three of the many Tweets we received of this great event!
This proves that the Golden Kappa is still active today. The emote is just part of the Twitch algorithm in most cases the vast majority of users who get it are unaware they have it.
If you witness the Golden Kappa on Twitch, screenshot it and let us know on Twitter so that we can keep our article current for the latest sighting. Let us know which channel it was in! #goldenkappa.
Twitch Golden Kappa Event of 2020
At 6:00 pm GMT on October 26, 2020, people began to notice that their Kappas were golden. For six glorious hours, the Twitch gods bestowed the power of the Golden Kappa for those who wanted to bask in its greatness.
While some were too focused on the Twitch DMCA news from earlier in the week to care much about the emote, many others marked the day on their calendars and wrote in their diaries about how their life would forevermore be changed.
Why did the Golden Kappa appear? Nobody knows.
Will it someday appear again? We shall see. We shall see. For now, we know that its existence has been confirmed by many Twitch patrons who now know that the rumors of old are true.
November 14, 2020 Update
Everyone on Twitch has access to the Golden Kappa throughout GlitchCon. Presumably set up as an event to “replace” TwitchCon as it couldn’t be held earlier this year, you can keep on special scheduled events on Twitch’s channel. One of the perks of the event is Golden Kappas all around!
A few weeks ago, during the random Golden Kappa event, Twitch released a trailer video on their stream with a dancing Kappa. In the end, the date 11/14 was flashed across the screen, building anticipation for this event.
How are Viewers Selected to Receive the Golden Kappa?
Unfortunately, nobody really knows how those who are gifted the Golden Kappa are chosen. At this time, there is no way to “earn” the Golden Kappa or request it. There are several theories, but each one has been “debunked” at different times.
It’s still unknown which sacrifice is necessary for the Twitch gods to bless your account with Golden Kappa.
How long does the Golden Kappa Last?
The most common theory is that one person receives Golden Kappa per day and will have it for 24 hours. The problem with this theory is that there have been cases where two people have used it on the same channel simultaneously, and others have claimed to have its used for more than 24 hours.
Golden Kappa replaces regular Kappa when someone types “Kappa” into the chat. Every time a theory about how or why Golden Kappa appears, something seems to disprove it. As far as anyone knows, it just happens randomly to some accounts, then leaves randomly.
What is a Golden Kappa Check?
A Golden Kappa Check happens when someone in a chat announces the check and everyone spams the Kappa emote to see if they have Golden Kappa. As you will only know if you have it if you test Kappa, this is a way for people to test it and to also participate in the lore.
People who have had Golden Kappa have also said that they can see it listed with their other emotes, though it is in its own category called “Kappa.”
The Real Person Behind Kappa
Kappa is an emoted based on a photo of Josh DeSeno, who worked on the chat client of Justin.TV (Pre-Twitch). He uploaded a photo of himself which became a popular emote signifying sarcasm.
Is Golden Kappa a Channel Emote?
Golden Kappa is not an emote you can receive by subscribing to a channel. Twitch has not allowed channels to submit a Golden Kappa as a subscription emote.
Is Golden Kappa a BTTV Emote?
Golden Kappa is not a BTTV Emote. It is not in their listings, and the Kappa image is not allowed to be copied on BTTV.
This question is often asked because it seems to be the most plausible explanation for the emote’s presence. To further debunk this theory, people without BTTV have stated that they have been able to view the emote.
Who Can See the Golden Kappa?
Everyone in the channel where it is used can see Golden Kappa, regardless of what device they are using to watch Twitch. The user may be able to also see it with the rest of their emotes.
Everyone has their own theory about Kappa, so here’s mine: it was uploaded as part of the code when Josh DeSeno set up the chat client and worked with the emotes. It is random and those who get it will have different lengths of time on which they can use it.
Log of Past Golden Kappa Notifications
If you find the Golden Kappa out in the wild, please notify us on Twitter so that we can keep a log of the last known sighting. Here are the past logs:
17 September 2020 – bigbadkittyslayer visited yourpelagea’s channel
4 September 2020 – Summit1G, Dread, and MCTClive’s chats belonging to the Twitch user fail_surge.
20 August 2020 – xQc’s stream belonging to Twitch user allexpleblord.
6 July 2020 – xQcOW’s stream belonging to Twitch user TheOmegaBoost
11 June 2020 – Voxy’s stream belonging to Twitch user BantCamp.
Chris is a marketing major with a strong background in small business and influencer branding. He applies his knowledge of content and promotional strategies to design actionable advice for new and intermediate streamers. When he’s not busy crunching analytics, he can be found in the salt pits of League of Legends.