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Gamecaster Review

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To be honest, when we first looked at Gamecaster about a year ago, we weren’t very impressed. They were still in beta and they had a lot of work to do. I remember writing to support asking how to change a couple camera settings (something that was easy and intuitive on other broadcasting software) and being told that those features weren’t available. 

So when I reopened the app again last week, I wasn’t expecting to be greeted by the polished product that Gamecaster is now. It is slick, easy-to-use and understandable, and is packed full of features that will let any new streamer go live with a professional-looking stream. Best of all, it is still free. 

This post will cover Gamecaster and the features it has to PC streamers. 

What is Gamecaster?

Gamecaster is a streaming software that allows streamers to easily set up their channel so that they can go live on Twitch, Facebook Gaming, YouTube Gaming, or through Restream.

Creating a clean, professional look is one of the hardest aspects of learning how to stream on Twitch, but Gamecaster makes the process easy and intuitive. The platform used to be a part of the Xsplit family, but it has now spread its wings to grow on its own. 

Gamecaster Features

In my opinion, some of the best features about Gamecaster include the following:

  • browser

    Customizable Scene Setup

    gamecaster scene

    Gamecaster has several different scene styles you can choose as your base. Each is setup in a way that you can customize them further by adjusting the size and opacity or changing the colors altogether. You can also add and remove widgets to get the overall feel you want. 

    Choose a graphic setup that both represents your overall brand and the genre of the game you are playing. The platform has dozens of choices that you can browse through to find something that will work for you and your audience. 

  • layers

    Multiple Sets

    Whether you can’t choose a specific style and want to test run them, or you want a set for each genre of game you play, Gamecaster allows you to set up multiple sets that you can cycle through. They even help you keep them sorted with fun icons so that you can find the one you need minutes before you go live. 

    gamecaster options

    Having multiple sets is perfect for Twitch variety streamers who stream different content each stream. While you should still incorporate your personal branding (such as your colors or a personal avatar) onto your stream, having different graphic sets to match your games is a good way to continually look professional. 

  • grid


    Hotkeys are truly a necessity for streamers, especially if you don’t have a stream deck. They allow you to quickly transition between scenes or add special effects that keep your stream looking professional. 

    Gamecaster allows you to easily set up hotkeys to help you navigate the essential functions of the program. You can find the options under the settings and choose the best keys to keep things easy. 

  • wallet


    The Gamecaster platform also enables tipping, allowing you to set up an easy way for your viewers to donate to the stream. The platform handles the transaction for you. All you need to do is input your username and PayPal address. 

    Donating and tipping is one of the early ways for you to make money on Twitch. Many viewers take supporting their favorite content creators seriously to ensure that they can enjoy themselves in the future. 

  • trophy


    Like most gamers, I love achievements. I love having goals to reach and checking off each one as I go – preferably with gamified graphics and ranks. Gamecaster understands this basic born in gamers and have added an entire section for career progression. 

    gamecaster acheivements

    The best part is, as you check off your achievements, you will learn more about the program and its capabilities. This will not only help you master the program, but it will also help you create professional-level streams for your viewers. 


If you are a new or intermediate streamer who wants a solid browser-based software to stream your gaming content to the world, Gamecaster is a solid choice – and they are still in BETA. Personally, I can’t wait to see what they come up with next. 

About the Author


Luci is a novelist, freelance writer, and active blogger. A journalist at heart, she loves nothing more than interviewing the outliers of the gaming community who are blazing a trail with entertaining original content. When she’s not penning an article, coffee in hand, she can be found gearing her shieldmaiden or playing with her son at the beach.

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