One of the most important parts of your workflow should be checking your analytics to find ways you can improve over time. In this way, Twitch is like other social platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, where good influencers study their analytics to learn better ways to target their audience and become more appealing to brands.
As a streamer, you will be able to look at the analytics of your Twitch channel and see the real-time results of every stream so you the type of content that made your viewers message more in chat and you can tell when things began to die down as people logged off.
This post will tell you about 10 of the best analytics tools available to Twitch streamers so that you can improve as a broadcaster. You will be able to increase your engagement rate, followers, subs, and possibly even improve your social network overall.
Best Analytics Tools for Twitch
Here are some of the best analytics tools for Twitch streamers:
- Twitch Dashboard Analytics
- SullyGnome
- TwitchTracker
- TwitchMetrics
- Streamlabs Reports/StreamElements Reports
- TwitchStrike
- StreamElements Chat Stats
- TwtichStats
- R1CH’s Twitch Analyzer
- Social Blade
Twitch Dashboard Analytics
One of the first places you should check after your stream is your Twitch Dashboard Analytics. As it is inbuilt into the platform, this tool will be able to give you instant feedback on how your stream went. You will also know that these are the metrics that Twitch will use when determining if you can become a Twitch Affiliate or Partner.
Your Twitch Channel Analytics will also tell you some details that you won’t be able to get from other apps, such as the source of where your views came from. You will be able to see whether they are coming from your social mentions and shoutouts, Twitch’s homepage, or if they just showed up to your stream.
Your analytics dashboard will also be able to tell you when you received financial support from your viewers in chat. While they won’t track if you received a donation through a third-party app, they will track your Twitch bits and subs.
We recommend that you always check your dashboard after your stream so that you can keep your finger on the pulse of how are growing. This will give you the chance to come up with solutions for future growth over time.
When you consider the vastness and usefulness of SullyGnome, it is hard to imagine that it was all created by one man named David. Learning how to use this site could potentially become the way you plot how to grow on Twitch.
SullyGnome tracks and analyzes data from every channel and category on Twitch. They even track Twitch teams and how they are performing against each other. You can also search the historical data of the platform back to 2015 so that you can really have a strong understanding of not only your channel but every other channel on Twitch.
As far as third-party sites go, we believe that this one is the best analytics tool for Twitch available. It allows you to find the best games in your genre to stream based on your viewer count versus others who stream the same games in your time zone.
You can use the platform in several different ways, whether it is to find another streamer to collaborate with, understanding how the audience of a particular game moves, or gauging how fast your follower count is growing.
The first thing you notice when you land on TwitchTracker is the top streams and top live channels over the previous week. You can open the top streams and scroll through to see how the analytics worked throughout the stream.
You can search for your own channel on the top right-hand side of the screen to view your own analytics and steam details. When viewing your own streams, you will be able to see how your concurrent viewer numbers shifted when clips were made, and people chose to follow your channel.
You can also look at your past games and see which ones gave you the best results as far as average viewers and followers go. You can also look at the stats of similarly sized streamers to see how they ranked on similar games to give you a good idea of how you might do when broadcasting it yourself.
This tool will also show you how you rank amongst all streamers in Twitch and what percentage you have reached. You can use this to set target goals for yourself to improve over time.
On TwitchMetric‘s homepage, you’ll find the top trending categories and clips on Twitch. While the platform will show similar metrics to SullyGnome and TwitchTracker, you can quickly see some information about specific games from their individual pages.
Not only does the site show the most-watched channels in each category, but it also shows you the fastest-growing channels (for streamers who ONLY stream in that category). You can also see what languages are represented in each category.
Streamlabs Reports/StreamElements Reports
If you prefer to have your analytics sent to you via email, you can sign up for reports from either Streamlabs or StreamElements. Both offer the same(ish) information about your stream, including how many chatters you had on your stream, the number of messages sent, and the average length your viewers stuck around on your channel.
When using either Streamlabs or StreamElements to collect 3rd-party donations, you’ll also get data on the amount that was donated to your stream. The report will also compare your stream to the previous one so that you can see how things changed.
Twitch Strike
Linking your account to Twitch Strike could help you find which games to play the next time you go live. They will give you a personalized list of which games you should consider based on viewer trends, average viewership, and the number of streamers who are currently live.
Even if you choose to not link your account, you can still check out the best and worst games to stream overall on their main page. You can often find good inspiration when looking for the best games to stream.
While most people could typically know the worst games to stream as they are basically a top-ten list of the oversaturated Twitch categories, it is sometimes good to have the reminder.
StreamElements Chat Stats
The Chat Stats on Stream Elements will give you a quick glance at your chat’s statistics. This will allow you to see who are the top chatters in your stream, which emotes are used the most, and the top commands in your channel.
Seeing who is active in your chat can help you determine who to give VIP status to or to make mods in the future. While you will need to check your Twitch chat logs to ensure that what they are saying is helpful to your community and isn’t breaking any rules, the chat stats can help you look at the social aspect of your channel.
The chat stats are also useful for affiliate and partnered streamers who have custom Twitch emotes. You can see which of your emotes are being used and which are neglected. This will help you change out the ones that are less popular to keep things exciting and active for your subscribers. You can also ask your subs what emote ideas they have during your stream or on Discord, Facebook, or Twitter.
Ever wonder how many subs those top streamers have? While there isn’t a site that tracks those perfectly, TwitchStats has an algorithm that guesses the number of subs for household name streamers.
As for the rest of the site? It doesn’t offer much more information than other tools on this list and doesn’t have a very organized user interface. You can search through teams on this platform though if you are looking for one to join.
R1CH’s Twitch Analyzer
While the R1CH’s Twitch Analyzer tool isn’t an analytics tool in the way we think of them, it can still be very useful to use while you are streaming. If you are experiencing technical difficulties or wonder about the stability of your stream, all you need to do is visit this site and input your channel’s name while you are streaming.
In a matter of seconds, the Twitch Analyzer will give you detailed data about your bitrate stability, frame rate, dropped frames, and how your viewers may be viewing your stream. It will even put a green checkmark by every metric that seems on point and a red x on things that you should maybe address.
Social Blade
If you run multiple social accounts and channels, including Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and others, Social Blade is a great analytics tool to help you track your followers, subs, likes, and more. Based on the social media platform you select, you will be able to see your engagement rate on each site. You will also be able to track how quickly you have grown on each and have it compared to your other metrics.
As a content creator, you understand how important it is to find your target audience. While your intention may be to grow on Twitch, growing other social media accounts can help bring in more viewers to your stream, so long as you know where they typically hang out. Whether you need to check your Twitter analytics, Instagram analytics, or other social media analytics, knowing your metrics across every platform will give you the chance to find the solutions you need to improve.
As far as Twitch goes, Social Blade is an analytics tool that lets you see where you rank on the platform, your growth day by day, and insights that you can use to attract brands to your channel.
When it comes to social media management, checking your Twitch stream analytics is just as important as any other metrics. With the information you glean, you can make plans to grow your following week by week.
Luci is a novelist, freelance writer, and active blogger. A journalist at heart, she loves nothing more than interviewing the outliers of the gaming community who are blazing a trail with entertaining original content. When she’s not penning an article, coffee in hand, she can be found gearing her shieldmaiden or playing with her son at the beach.